
Colour, from the beginning, has been my answer. 

Painting, both creating it and studying the history of it, is how I bring these intense feelings about colour into the external world. 

My degree is in Art History, specialising in Early Italian Renaissance and Dutch 17th Century.  I also have a PGCE and I am a qualified Metaphysical Counsellor.  I teach art history courses on The Renaissance, The Baroque, English Art and Architecture and selected Great Paintings.

I created The Colour Potential Card Deck and Handbook to use colour in combination with metaphysical principles to navigate life's challenges.  

I teach my art history courses and give 1-1 Colour Potential card readings from my art studio in Deal.

Exuberance Painting

Colour is that wonderful, ever-changing, ephemeral element in our lives that is not fully understood. A universe without colour is, quite literally, unimaginable. It is crucial to our lives, in fact crucial to all beings, and often central to survival. Colour is a vital form of communication, for colour transmits messages more rapidly than any words. Colour is a language without barriers.